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New product development


  1. The big idea 
    • There are several front ends for Linux gaming, no of them are satisfaying in my opinion as they tends to focus on some particular points.
      • DJL :Focuses on Open Source games
      • Cedega : Focuses on Windows Games, bringing many inovations in the Direct3D field
      • PlayOnLinux : Focuses on Wine
      • Crossover Gaming : Focuses on Wine
      • Several emulator front ends : Focuses on one or many specific emulators, none of them provide support for the majority of emulators available 
      • Steam : For Windows only but can be run through Wine, is limited to the games provided by the Steam platform
    • Lutris' goal is to build an extendable framework with a user friendly interface. It must provide support for all games playable on Linux. It must support Open Source games, emulators, windows games (playable with Wine or Cedega)
    • Lutris must not force the user to install the games from the CD ROM and should be able to use data present on the hard drive.
  2. Target audience
    • The target users should not be limited to novice users, experienced user should enjoy it (unlike PlayOnLinux for example)
    • As it is build upon Python and Bash scripts, it should be compatible with all current Linux distros.
  3. Features
    • Provide scripts to install games
    • Fetch informations from the main website with the game cover, year of release, genre, etc ...
    • Build a community of users (chatroom, forums, ...)
    • Allowto download games from external sources (HTTP, FTP, Bittorrent, ...)